

Ok, I think I'm getting the hang.  Just finished adding more of my classmates onto my "following" list.  Think I have most of you now!!  For some reason this seems to be the hardest thing for me to get used to having to do~~not sure why, I've certainly done harder things than this in my life!!

My mom's been in the hospital....again....since last week.  Hoping she is well enough to come home soon.  Every time she goes in (and it's quite often), there's always this question of whether or not she's gonna make it home....but she always does!  I don't think I've met anyone so tough in my life~maybe that's where I get it from!!

Quiet holiday weekend.  Catching up on things...kinda boring.  Lotsa decisions to make in the next few months that will impact myself and my children.  Always hoping I make the right ones!!!

Off to do more school work!!